Hello, fellow crafters!
It's the middle of August...a month of sunshine...supposedly...however, as we speak, it's raining cats and dogs!! Still, the weather's good for the garden!!
As I write, the sound of the rain helps me think of sunnier, balmy days...those spent at the beach, with a picnic, newspaper and camera to hand. The smell of seaweed, salt and vinegar linger in the refreshing, North East of England air..and the sound of squawking, pesky gulls that disturb any sense of tranquility..
I miss that feeling of sand between my toes and the sun on my face..
Still, the inclement weather gives a good opportunity to consider my next pattern project and which stitch to use!!

Many of the patterns we enjoy creating feature the fabulous Irish Moss Stitch. Also known as the Double Moss Stitch, this stitch is fashioned over 4 rows....and is reversible to boot! With both sides of your project being almost identical, this reversible pattern is ideal for all manner of designs.
It is an effortless combination of both knit and purl stitches, which are worked over an even amount of loops.
Here's the stitch pattern that is used to create the pattern, using a straight pair of needles...
Yarn ~ Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino
Shade ~ Lilac (10)
Needles ~ 3.25mm
k knit p purl rs right side of work st(s) stitches ws wrong side of work
Let's go!
Row 1: RS *k1, p1 * repeat from * to * to the end of the row
Row 2: WS *p1, k1 * repeat from * to * to the end of the row
Row 3: RS *p1, k1* repeat from * to * to the end of the row
Row 4: WS *k1, p1* repeat from * to * to the end of the row
Rows 1, through to 4, now form the Irish Moss Stitch....continue these repeated rows until your project reaches the required length.
Cast off..

Here's a sample of Irish Moss stitch, all contained in a border of garter stitch..
If your work is to be created using an odd number of stitches, just add an extra knit stitch to the end of each odd row...and a purl stitch at the beginning of each even one..
Just one word of warning....it's not uncommon to mix stitches or repeat an incorrect row...for both knitting newbies and experienced knitters, alike! Here's an example of what your work will look like, if stitches are knitted incorrectly...

We hope this cheeky stitch is just what you are looking for! Versatility and effectiveness in 4 easy rows..
Here's a completed garment, where we have combined the Irish Moss Stitch with cables...another winning combination!!

Why not share your creations with us? Just tag us on Insta, using #winterberry_wool it would be lovely to see your makes..
Jane and Gaileen xx